Tuesday 19 February 2013

Google search engine

How to search keyword in Goggle search bar
      Goggle search engine providing some very good feature for searching keywords related to any specific area.And this is very important things for person who are learning for SEO(search engine optimisation).I am also learning for SEO now days and I leaned few basic things how to search spacial keywords from Goggle search bar.
For example if we want to know about time then if we will type time <country name> in Goggle search bar then we will get specific current time of that country.e g. time India.note that few country having more then one time areas then they will give a specific list of all areas in that country.
If we want to know about weather in a city then we will type weather <city name> e.g. weather Chandigarh then they will provide weather list which will be nearest of that time.
If we want know exact key word from search bar then we have to write like "key word"e.g. 
"Search engine optimisation" then they will give exact search.

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